This piece was commissioned as a memorial to the client's beloved, deceased Corgi. Only traditional 4 x 6" printed photos were available to me for reference. Scroll through to see my process from start to finish.

Finished painting
oil on masonite, 13" x 12"

Original photo as provided by the client.
We both liked this photo very much, feeling that it conveyed her smiley personality. But, we felt that ideally her ears would be shown in an upright, alert position.

Concept sketch, showing proposed proportions of finished piece (red outline) and new ear position. This was emailed to client for approval.

Next, my underpainting in venetian red acrylic. Note redrawn ears and foot. After the client approved this step, I proceeded with layering oil paints in full color ontop of this underpainting.

Finished piece (again).
Oil on masonite, 13" x 12"


detail, note four leaf clover in grass lower right.
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